Guidelines for use of the www. logo on non-Flotent Chemicals web sites:
- Except as Flotent Chemicals may explicitly authorize elsewhere, non-Flotent Chemicals websites may display only the logo provided above (“Logo”). By downloading the Logo, you agree to be bound by these Guidelines. You may only display the Logo on your website and not in any other manner. It must always be an active link to
- The Logo must be placed on your web page in a way describing the significance of the Logo on your site (i.e., the Logo is a link to Flotent Chemicals, not an endorsement of your site) e.g., by using the introductions “links to”, “go to”, “visit” etc.
- You may only display the Logo on a web page that makes accurate references to Flotent Chemicals or its products or services, and you must display it adjacent to the reference or at the bottom of the same page. Your web page title and other trademarks and logos must appear at least as prominently as the Logo. You may not display the Logo in any manner that implies affiliation with, sponsorship, endorsement or license by Flotent Chemicals.
- The Logo must appear by itself with a minimum spacing (the height of the Logo) between each side of the Logo and other graphic or textual elements on your page. The Logo may not be used as a feature or design element of any other logo.
- You may not alter the Logo in any manner, including size, proportions, colors, elements, etc., or animate, morph or otherwise distort its perspective or appearance.
- You may not display the Logo on any site that disparages Flotent Chemicals or its products or services, infringes any Flotent Chemicals intellectual property or other rights, or violates any state, federal or international law.
- These Guidelines do not grant a license or any other right in Flotent Chemicals’ logos or trademarks. Flotent Chemicals reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the Logo at any time. Flotent Chemicals reserves the right to take action against any use that does not conform to these Guidelines, infringes any Flotent Chemicals intellectual property or other right, or violates other applicable law.
Flotent Chemicals disclaims any warranties that may be expressed or implied by law regarding the logo, including warranties against infringement.